SSTFF 8th First Select(一次審査合格作品)発表
First Select(一次審査合格作品)は以下になります。
First Selectに選ばれた作品は、10/3(木)渋谷センター商店街にてレッドカーペット。10/4(金)、5(土)に渋谷ユーロライブで上映〜舞台挨拶〜表彰する予定です。
また、10/5(土)の渋谷ユーロライブにて全作品上映後に、11/24(日)、11/25(月)開催のCLIMAX佐世保進出ゴールデンバーガー賞NOMINATE 08(一般部門)、と長崎県知事賞NOMINATE 03(学生部門)を発表する予定です。
First Select(1次合格作品)
一般部門 / for General
First Select 23
学生部門 / for Student
First Select 23
一般部門 作品詳細
01 逆さまの天才 (東京)
Director : 西遼太郎
1997年生まれ。福岡県出身。大学入学後から映像作品の制作をはじめ、撮影、編集、ディレクションなど複数の役割を兼任する。2020年TYO入社。グループ組織改編により、現在はFIELD MANAGEMENT EXPANDのCreative部門で、プランナー/ディレクターとして活動中。SFやコメディを得意とする。
1997年生まれ。福岡県出身。大学入学後から映像作品の制作をはじめ、撮影、編集、ディレクションなど複数の役割を兼任する。2020年TYO入社。グループ組織改編により、現在はFIELD MANAGEMENT EXPANDのCreative部門で、プランナー/ディレクターとして活動中。SFやコメディを得意とする。
Cast : 鳥谷宏之 クロエ
Staff : 監督・脚本:西遼太郎 プロデューサー:沓澤肇 プロダクションマネージャー:小松南 撮影:工藤雄太 照明:河原宗平 美術:遠藤信弥 ヘアメイク:冨田愛美 スタイリスト:匂阪真人 キャスティング:高見昌夫 オフライン編集:塩山俊圭 オンライン編集:辻陸平 カラリスト:小林亮太 ミキサー:髙𣘺勇人 サウンドデザイン:原口崇正 タイトルデザイン:白鷺来喜
02 メイキング・シブヤ (東京)
Director :山口改
Cast : 遠藤しずか 獣神ハルヨ 髙橋篤弘 山口改 大嶋辰哉 美里清香 湯本大輔 桐谷塔子 西川浩一 田中ジョセフ
Staff : 脚本・監督・編集:山口改 音楽:Johnny Boy
Cast : 遠藤しずか 獣神ハルヨ 髙橋篤弘 山口改 大嶋辰哉 美里清香 湯本大輔 桐谷塔子 西川浩一 田中ジョセフ
Staff : 脚本・監督・編集:山口改 音楽:Johnny Boy
03 ただいま (京都)
Director : 樽本克也
Cast : 清水爽香 前田茉羽 賛美
Staff : 監督・脚本・撮影・編集:樽本克也 プロデューサー:小島雅子 助監督:谷口暢彦
Cast : 清水爽香 前田茉羽 賛美
Staff : 監督・脚本・撮影・編集:樽本克也 プロデューサー:小島雅子 助監督:谷口暢彦
04 クジラの背中で話すコト (千葉)
Director : 門田樹
Cast : 河本景 倉本琉平
Staff : プロデューサー:沢田純平 メイク:伊藤佳南子 助監督:滑大介
Cast : 河本景 倉本琉平
Staff : プロデューサー:沢田純平 メイク:伊藤佳南子 助監督:滑大介
05 探偵は映画を見ない (神奈川)
Director : 渡邉高章
Cast : 福地清 前迫莉亜 堂ノ下沙羅 青山一澄 星能豊
Staff : 音楽:サンサウンド 撮影・スチール:アベトモユキ 録音:アライジン 衣装:カミフクモトジュン(tone) メイク:山﨑優美 製作:福地清、ザンパノシアター 監督・脚本:渡邉高章
06 幸福指数 (福岡)
Director : 西井舞
多摩美術大学 美術学部 情報デザイン学科 メディア芸術コース卒。同年、電通クリエーティブX企画演出部入社、2022年10月より福岡に移住してフリーランスのCMディレクター/プランナー(kosei所属)。ACC CM FESTIVAL フィルム部門ブロンズ/福岡広告協会賞 TVCM15秒部門 銀賞/BOVA 審査員特別賞など
多摩美術大学 美術学部 情報デザイン学科 メディア芸術コース卒。同年、電通クリエーティブX企画演出部入社、2022年10月より福岡に移住してフリーランスのCMディレクター/プランナー(kosei所属)。ACC CM FESTIVAL フィルム部門ブロンズ/福岡広告協会賞 TVCM15秒部門 銀賞/BOVA 審査員特別賞など
Cast : 門田樹 坂口瑛美 川越博 土肥英子 甲斐彩香 甲斐誠一 池田あかり 佐川大貴 岩元明日真 三橋世津子 橋本由香里 興梠貴士 中村謙 峯﨑惇平 田中稔 古谷拓海 米川結海 高橋優奈
Staff : 撮影監督:西岡空良 撮影助手:大西恵太 録音・整音:久保琢也 合成:門田樹 制作:オーバンブル 舞 選曲:島崎早月 翻訳:獅々田悠斗 タイトルロゴデザイン:佐野あゆみ
07 It’s Gimbap! (韓国)
Pippi Longstocking appeared in a gimbap shop that had no customers.
Before long, the shop was filled with customers, and Pippi began making strangely shaped gimbap rolls.
Pippi, seeing the bewildered gimbap shop owner, invites her to play.
They both climb onto a bed attached to a hot air balloon and leave the shop.
Before long, the shop was filled with customers, and Pippi began making strangely shaped gimbap rolls.
Pippi, seeing the bewildered gimbap shop owner, invites her to play.
They both climb onto a bed attached to a hot air balloon and leave the shop.
Director : Kang-wook Lee
Born in 1977. Bachelor’s degree from Kyungsung University Majored in theater and film.
<The Wind is Hitting on My Face>(2002)(Short Film)
<Adieu, Ng Man-Tat>(2021)(Short Film)
<Tiger’s Trigger>(2022)(Feature Film)
Born in 1977. Bachelor’s degree from Kyungsung University Majored in theater and film.
<The Wind is Hitting on My Face>(2002)(Short Film)
<Adieu, Ng Man-Tat>(2021)(Short Film)
<Tiger’s Trigger>(2022)(Feature Film)
Cast : Eun-hui Kim Ga-ram Jung Hui Ju
Staff : Director:Kang-wook Lee Writer:So-yeon Park Director of Photography:Min-je KIM、Seong-wook Jung Makeup Supervisor:Eun-hui Yoo Production Designer: Eun-seo Roh Sound Designer: Seong-hwan Jung Original Score Composer:Eun-gang An
08 うそつき (東京)
Director : 田村愛理
Cast : 能戸喜央 吉永潤 大石瑞貴 鈴木珠汐 鈴木愛菜 森岡飛羽 荒木来都 松本和真 黒田蓮 上岡洸太 河野百花 福村莉央 河依志緒莉 田澤まほり 西尾新 冨田梨紗 糸井涼 宮城弥生 長田拓郎
Staff : 音楽:hoto-D 撮影:橋本篤志 照明:太田周兵 録音・整音:高島良太 助監督:山城研二 制作:福西拓哉 撮影助手:伊藤里奈 照明助手:氏里桃子、隈部飛鴻 カラーグレーディング:山田祐太(L’espaceVision) カラーグレーディング助手:斧澤快矢(L’espaceVision) サポートスタッフ:福西志歩、杉本真一、西田晴香、松野千賀、谷垣祥子、須磨亜映利 衣裳協力:TEAM・H 漫画協力:榊原元太 撮影協力:ひょうごロケ支援Net、兵庫県猪名川町、カラオケ歌里坊丹波篠山店、田中家 協力:SHUHEI inc.、L’espaceVision
09 愛骨 (東京)
Director : 節田朋一郎
1974 宮城県仙台市生まれ
2014 ADFEST 受賞を機にディレクターとして本格的に活動を始める。東京、札幌の両都市で、TVCM、web ムービーなどを中心に活動しています。
1974 宮城県仙台市生まれ
2014 ADFEST 受賞を機にディレクターとして本格的に活動を始める。東京、札幌の両都市で、TVCM、web ムービーなどを中心に活動しています。
Cast : 根津茂尚 安川まり 宮原俐々帆
Staff : 撮影:蔦井孝洋 照明:石田健司 美術:原田恭明、伊藤優美 録音:杉田知之 衣装ヘアメイク:三上早苗、冨田愛美 撮影助手:北野奈央、伊達浩幸、田中綾野、吉田信治 照明助手:千々岩俊二、石田慈英 美術助手:梅野桜子 ドローン撮影:橋詰和幸 水中指導:原昌俊、三宅健一郎 水中機材協力:ダイビングショップ S2 CLUB ロケーションコーディネート:千葉貴志、マツオヒロタダ 助監督:首藤光陽、秋山みづき 制作:田中友莉 料理:はらゆうこ 車両:坂本浩之、河邉飛鳥、大塚夏樹、田﨑悠馬、島田乃輔、髙橋佑太郎、伊藤雛乃 音楽:橋本晋也 編集:菅原大典、谷口悠一 DIT:加邉裕深 グレーディング:北山夢人 整音:杉田知之 効果音:藤川貴広 イラスト:皆川利恵 グラフィックデザイン:桜井衣南
10 Wind Goes On (香港)
Fung, a girl who grew up in the old Hong Kong public housing, was having her last year in the primary school. The old estate was about to demolished and rebuilt, neighbours and friends were leaving gradually. Although Fung knew this would happen, she could not let go of the feeling of parting. One day, in this fading homeland, Fung made a special friend.
Director : Eric Lee
Eric Lee founded Morph Workshop in 2012 which is an animation studio focus on high quality independent short film productions. Since 2012, 6 animation shorts have been made, and all of them are selected in international film festivals around the world.
Staff : Director:Eric Lee Writer:Dino Ng Producer:Anna Li Animators:Anna Li、Eric Lee Sound Production:Chun Hoi Wong、Sarah Fang Original Music:Dreaming Flesh、Peace Wong
Eric Lee founded Morph Workshop in 2012 which is an animation studio focus on high quality independent short film productions. Since 2012, 6 animation shorts have been made, and all of them are selected in international film festivals around the world.
Staff : Director:Eric Lee Writer:Dino Ng Producer:Anna Li Animators:Anna Li、Eric Lee Sound Production:Chun Hoi Wong、Sarah Fang Original Music:Dreaming Flesh、Peace Wong
11 paper GOD (イラン)
Ali, who is disabled and in a wheelchair, aspires to go to the top of a cliff from which he can launch his paper plane like the other boys..
Director : daniyal mahmoudnia
I was born in 1993 in Iran. And with the movie “when everyone was asleep” that was directed by Fereydoon hasanpoor, I begun my career in movie industry which was quite charming and very interesting and humanitarian for me in the age of 11. And after that I continued my career with some of TV shows like ” Above the sky”, “Bright Shadow”, and with two other TV series, “Blossoms of Rain” as the protagonist and ” forgotten”.
Then I played in the movies: “Address”,”me and ziba” . And after a little while being off the screen, I came back with the movie “Gozar Az Ranjha” I entered to the Assistant Director profession and then I played in the movies “Tahchin” and “Autumn” and I was in several TV series and films and short films and I gained experience in other movies like : Avaz Gonjeshkha, Varesh, Fathers, Enemies, Koobar, Gery Bass (Wait a Moment), Armando, Gozar Az Meh, Zalava (Winner of an award at the Venice Film Festival), Rohan
And the short film “Paper God” which is my first experience as a Director.
I was born in 1993 in Iran. And with the movie “when everyone was asleep” that was directed by Fereydoon hasanpoor, I begun my career in movie industry which was quite charming and very interesting and humanitarian for me in the age of 11. And after that I continued my career with some of TV shows like ” Above the sky”, “Bright Shadow”, and with two other TV series, “Blossoms of Rain” as the protagonist and ” forgotten”.
Then I played in the movies: “Address”,”me and ziba” . And after a little while being off the screen, I came back with the movie “Gozar Az Ranjha” I entered to the Assistant Director profession and then I played in the movies “Tahchin” and “Autumn” and I was in several TV series and films and short films and I gained experience in other movies like : Avaz Gonjeshkha, Varesh, Fathers, Enemies, Koobar, Gery Bass (Wait a Moment), Armando, Gozar Az Meh, Zalava (Winner of an award at the Venice Film Festival), Rohan
And the short film “Paper God” which is my first experience as a Director.
Cast : Ali khani rajo taghavi nejad hossein agha mozafari
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:daniyal mahmoudnia
12 Diversity Protopia (兵庫)
Director : 国海伸彦
Cast : 職業怪人カメレオール 国海伸彦 kaya 高瀬 相田一成(合同会社妖怪屋) ゴム犬 黒衣となかい
Staff : 撮影監督:西岡空良 音響:keefar 音楽:片山大輔 キャスティング協力:職業怪人カメレオール、溝井辰明 制作応援:小野ヨイコ 美術協力:eto アクティングコーディネート協力:SAKU(Acting Doctor) 脚本:小野ヨイコ 企画:職業怪人カメレオール、国海伸彦 編集・監督:国海伸彦
Cast : 職業怪人カメレオール 国海伸彦 kaya 高瀬 相田一成(合同会社妖怪屋) ゴム犬 黒衣となかい
Staff : 撮影監督:西岡空良 音響:keefar 音楽:片山大輔 キャスティング協力:職業怪人カメレオール、溝井辰明 制作応援:小野ヨイコ 美術協力:eto アクティングコーディネート協力:SAKU(Acting Doctor) 脚本:小野ヨイコ 企画:職業怪人カメレオール、国海伸彦 編集・監督:国海伸彦
13 Satomi (東京)
Mayumi has the skill, the voice and the passion to be the perfect performer. The only problem: she suffers from stage fright. After her audition at a talent show goes awry, she has an inadvertent encounter with her favorite star, who just so happens to be a living anime. An enchanting story about an unassuming girl set during the tail end of the 20th century.
Director : Rayner Wang
Hong Kong-born Rayner Wang spent his early years in the UK. During his teens, he developed a keen interest in filmmaking, particularly in creative storytelling. After completing school, he attended the University of the Arts in London. He earned an Associate’s degree in film and a Bachelor’s degree in animation.
Cast : Hannah Kano Alice Nakahara Kazuhiro Muroyama
Staff : Director & Writer:Rayner Wang Producer:Roy Finch、Susie Landau Finch、Georgina Pope Character Designer:TOGEKINOKO Animation Director:Ken Duncan VFX Supervisor:Jason Stovall Storyboard/Animation Supervisor:Chris Sauve
Hong Kong-born Rayner Wang spent his early years in the UK. During his teens, he developed a keen interest in filmmaking, particularly in creative storytelling. After completing school, he attended the University of the Arts in London. He earned an Associate’s degree in film and a Bachelor’s degree in animation.
Cast : Hannah Kano Alice Nakahara Kazuhiro Muroyama
Staff : Director & Writer:Rayner Wang Producer:Roy Finch、Susie Landau Finch、Georgina Pope Character Designer:TOGEKINOKO Animation Director:Ken Duncan VFX Supervisor:Jason Stovall Storyboard/Animation Supervisor:Chris Sauve
14 シェアハウス芽吹荘の夏 (東京)
Director : なかねひろみ
Cast : 裕菜 原田朱 鈴木大裕 水野直 古川博巳 𠮷村ひろ子
Staff : 撮影・照明:倉本光佑 撮影助手:高橋基史 録音・整音:柴田陽一郎 ヘアメイク:遠山穂波 演出助手:大野歩 演出協力:岡田昭儀 美術:坂田科申 看板制作:安藤秀敏 効果:中根敏裕 音楽:諸橋邦行 楽曲協力:げきばん!、甘茶、BGMer 協力:ハウススタジオ昭和、調布不動産、東京特殊効果、むさしの芝居塾、めがねの会、千田良輔、谷川詩織、島見寿恵、山本恵美 監督・脚本・編集:なかね ひろみ
15 ぼくはもぐら (鹿児島)
Director : 川﨑技花
アニメーション作家 株式会社スタジオワザハナ代表 女子美術大学芸術学部メディアアート学科卒業、屋久島在住、日本アニメーション協会員( JAA) 広告アニメーション制作や番組制作を行なっている 主な作品:TVCM 『テレ東BIZ』、テレビ東京「シナぷしゅ」『かずとりむし』、2023年『かっぱのともだち』、2020年『Birth~めぐるいのち~「私なり母親の作り方」』、2008年『 Precious place 大切な場所』
アニメーション作家 株式会社スタジオワザハナ代表 女子美術大学芸術学部メディアアート学科卒業、屋久島在住、日本アニメーション協会員( JAA) 広告アニメーション制作や番組制作を行なっている 主な作品:TVCM 『テレ東BIZ』、テレビ東京「シナぷしゅ」『かずとりむし』、2023年『かっぱのともだち』、2020年『Birth~めぐるいのち~「私なり母親の作り方」』、2008年『 Precious place 大切な場所』
Cast : 川﨑圭悟 山尾恵美 箱﨑優香 箱﨑心美 川﨑主税 川﨑技花
Staff : 監督、プロデューサー、アニメーター、撮影、コンポジット:川﨑技花 原案:川﨑康史 音楽:小田泰正 脚本:川﨑康史、川﨑技花 彩色:羽生寛子、森下優香、藤田英治、川崎技花 美術監督:川﨑康史 小道具制作:永田桃香、藤村由香、岩川美保子、有馬久美、箱﨑優香、羽生寛子、川﨑康史、川崎技花 題字:川﨑圭悟 仕上げ・録音:スタジオワザハナ 英語版翻訳:越川美く代 製作:スタジオワザハナ 助成: 文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(映画創造活動支援事業)|独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会
16 Dissimulation (イギリス)
Gene grapples with an identity crisis inflicted by wondrous yet frightening advances in human technology. Reality blurs between man and machine, as Gene finds his path in this new world of artificial intelligence.
Director : Sam Weeks
Sam is developing his career as a film Producer & Director. To date he has worked on a range of projects and so has become adept at managing all aspects of the film making process. Sam has a passion for film making and is able to provide input on every area from the technical aspects of making a film to many of the disciplines that go into production, with the aim of producing exciting content. Having been fortunate to work on a number of ambitious projects over the last 5 years
Cast : Elliot Cable Jane Elsmore Colin Hill Dean Kilbey Nicky B
Staff : Director:Sam Weeks Writer:Peter Woolley
Sam is developing his career as a film Producer & Director. To date he has worked on a range of projects and so has become adept at managing all aspects of the film making process. Sam has a passion for film making and is able to provide input on every area from the technical aspects of making a film to many of the disciplines that go into production, with the aim of producing exciting content. Having been fortunate to work on a number of ambitious projects over the last 5 years
Cast : Elliot Cable Jane Elsmore Colin Hill Dean Kilbey Nicky B
Staff : Director:Sam Weeks Writer:Peter Woolley
17 時をスベる男 (福岡)
Director : 古川直樹
1978年鹿児島県曽於市生まれ。高校在学中より自主制作映像を、大学在学中よりTVCM等の商業映像制作を開始。2005年から拠点を福岡に移し、2018年フルカラー株式会社を設立。TVCMをはじめ広告映像を中心に、企画・演出・編集を一貫して手掛けるスタイルで活動中。また、高校時代からの友人や現在の仕事仲間と「我利我利プロ」として48Hour Film Projectに参加し、短編映画を制作。
1978年鹿児島県曽於市生まれ。高校在学中より自主制作映像を、大学在学中よりTVCM等の商業映像制作を開始。2005年から拠点を福岡に移し、2018年フルカラー株式会社を設立。TVCMをはじめ広告映像を中心に、企画・演出・編集を一貫して手掛けるスタイルで活動中。また、高校時代からの友人や現在の仕事仲間と「我利我利プロ」として48Hour Film Projectに参加し、短編映画を制作。
Cast : 西田優史 山下晶 ひらな唯夏
Staff : 撮影・音声:古後秀憲、大野博之 協力:桑野佳代子 楽曲提供:おりまる 脚本協力:馬場志穂 脚本:馬場雄介 監督・編集:古川直樹
18 ヨビとアマリ (茨城)
Director : 比留間未桜
Cast : 堀越麻美香 青山依央 坂井琴衣 斉藤那乙(全員:i-MEDIA 国際映像メディア専門学校)
Staff : 音楽プロデューサー:笠原厚浩(オトノハコ 株式会社) 作曲・サウンドプロデューサー:寺尾敬博(オトノハコ 株式会社) 録音:井上一郎(N-TRIBE) ラインプロデューサー:小林伸嘉 振付:松崎友紀 ダンサー:松崎友紀、押味真里菜、石内裕之、斎藤茜理、中村もも、Michael Brymer 制作協力:小山博(有限会社ウェブアプト)、鈴木則子(i-MEDIA 国際映像メディア専門学校)、筑波大学大学院 指導教員:村上史明(筑波大学芸術系) 監督・脚本・アニメーション・効果音:比留間未桜(Mh-artworks)
Cast : 堀越麻美香 青山依央 坂井琴衣 斉藤那乙(全員:i-MEDIA 国際映像メディア専門学校)
Staff : 音楽プロデューサー:笠原厚浩(オトノハコ 株式会社) 作曲・サウンドプロデューサー:寺尾敬博(オトノハコ 株式会社) 録音:井上一郎(N-TRIBE) ラインプロデューサー:小林伸嘉 振付:松崎友紀 ダンサー:松崎友紀、押味真里菜、石内裕之、斎藤茜理、中村もも、Michael Brymer 制作協力:小山博(有限会社ウェブアプト)、鈴木則子(i-MEDIA 国際映像メディア専門学校)、筑波大学大学院 指導教員:村上史明(筑波大学芸術系) 監督・脚本・アニメーション・効果音:比留間未桜(Mh-artworks)
19 Hautnah/ギリギリ (ドイツ)
Director : Patrick A Kompio
Cast : Tatsuya Tagawa Xenia Weigel
Staff : Director & Producer:Patrick A Kompio Writer:Michael Parting
Cast : Tatsuya Tagawa Xenia Weigel
Staff : Director & Producer:Patrick A Kompio Writer:Michael Parting
20 駕籠屋の稽古 (京都)
Director : 仲野毅
Cast : 中島崇博 美藤吉彦 小澤明弘
Staff :撮影:金原美穂 助監督:柳裕章 脚本・編集:仲野毅 制作:池田勝志 録音:大石昭弘
Cast : 中島崇博 美藤吉彦 小澤明弘
Staff :撮影:金原美穂 助監督:柳裕章 脚本・編集:仲野毅 制作:池田勝志 録音:大石昭弘
21 Halfway Line (神奈川)
Director : 本多俊介
2000年生まれ。群馬県出身。日本映画大学に進学後、映画演出を専門に学ぶ。今までに2本の短編 を監督し、本作『Halfway Line』が在学中3本目の監督作品となる。
2000年生まれ。群馬県出身。日本映画大学に進学後、映画演出を専門に学ぶ。今までに2本の短編 を監督し、本作『Halfway Line』が在学中3本目の監督作品となる。
Cast : 김성혁 早坂柊人 최진혁 정지인 永井宗冴 임용순 차우영 김모범 이단우 김두진 김현수 정해룡 정희담 도현승 박진우 정희원 소동민 송현범 신승현 최승환 최우식 아마르 윤웅기 박형근 김다영
Staff : アドバイザー:박종원、天願大介 プロデューサー:서계호、岩崎優実 脚本:鈴木貴也 ラインプロデューサー:崔得龍 助監督:조창근、고태욱 撮影:문준호 照明:손민호 録音:박시현 美術:안정민 ヘアメイク:김민서、이연주 編集:李向欣 スクリプター:전예은、河野義継 音響効果:服部くるみ 整音:井関涼介 音楽:甲斐涼南 アシスタントプロデューサー:최진욱、박연수、소정현 演出助手:김동홰、정재무 Bカメ:손민호 撮影助手:김태완、정재훈、이현주、김동효、종조휴 照明助手:이동찬、신정우、박형근 録音助手:井関涼介 美術助手:김다영、문경진、박민해、오성민 編集助手:河野義継、孫若琁、박종호 音響効果助手:山田晃己、石川航世、谷頭真由、遠藤由実子、이현 制作:윤웅기、여승헌、유은진、이랑、전소은 字幕:정대희 メイキング:김희지 カラリスト:則兼智志
22 いまにまるを (鳥取)
Director : 福寄広之
Cast : 新田恒夫 新田美恵子 新田真理子 寮美千子 林愛理 林敦子 丸岡拓矢 三浦美保 熊谷直皓 土屋雅恵 神田健次郎 神田和子 梶本たけの 梶本満天 佐々木省三
Staff : 監督・撮影・編集:福寄広之 サウンドデザイン:光武大和 ロゴデザイン:渡部百泰 ライター:石倉勤 構成サポート:宮本茂輝 字幕サポート:椎野巧哉 マネージメント:杉原一平
Cast : 新田恒夫 新田美恵子 新田真理子 寮美千子 林愛理 林敦子 丸岡拓矢 三浦美保 熊谷直皓 土屋雅恵 神田健次郎 神田和子 梶本たけの 梶本満天 佐々木省三
Staff : 監督・撮影・編集:福寄広之 サウンドデザイン:光武大和 ロゴデザイン:渡部百泰 ライター:石倉勤 構成サポート:宮本茂輝 字幕サポート:椎野巧哉 マネージメント:杉原一平
23 フューチャー!フューチャー! (東京)
Director : 眞鍋海里
Director : 山本ヨシヒコ
CM、ドラマ、MV などの映像監督。1979年 広島県福山市出身。実家が銭湯。2021年 Hulu「モモウメ」でドラマ監督デビュー。他、大分県PRシンフロ、関西電気保安協会、アロンアルフアTVCMシリーズ、DJみそ汁MCごはんのMVなど。
CM、ドラマ、MV などの映像監督。1979年 広島県福山市出身。実家が銭湯。2021年 Hulu「モモウメ」でドラマ監督デビュー。他、大分県PRシンフロ、関西電気保安協会、アロンアルフアTVCMシリーズ、DJみそ汁MCごはんのMVなど。
Cast : 駒井蓮 三原羽衣 枡田絵理奈 牧瀬和人 真凛 渡部豪太(ゲスト出演) 井上祐貴(友情出演)
Staff : 企画・脚本・総監督:眞鍋海里 監督:山本ヨシヒコ 撮影:今西真基 プロデューサー:江口敦史 照明:村地英樹 録音:坂元陽子 美術:鈴木一也 編集:越智和寛・佐藤裕馬 主題歌:SUNNY CAR WASH『ダーリン』
学生部門 作品詳細
Student01 Catastropizza (シンガポール/University of Edinburgh)
Mittens is a pizza-loving cat who wants nothing but a nice pizza meal. But standing between him and his dream come true is a series of obstacle-filled rooms. Follow Mittens’ four-episode journey of joy, laughter and tears. Will Mittens be able to win the holy grail, or will he fall into the abyss of failure?
Director : Casey Lieu
Casey Lieu is a digital animator and an illustrator who loves immersing herself in the fantastical world of creation. Born in Singapore and growing up in Hong Kong, she developed an interest in character design and storytelling. She has also shown interest in graphic design and is more passionate about the creative industry after discovering her creative potential at community college. After that, she studied for a Bachelor of Arts in Animation(Hons) at University of Edinburgh and became a recent fresh graduate. She was now looking for new opportunities in festivals and work to pursue her creative journey.
Casey Lieu is a digital animator and an illustrator who loves immersing herself in the fantastical world of creation. Born in Singapore and growing up in Hong Kong, she developed an interest in character design and storytelling. She has also shown interest in graphic design and is more passionate about the creative industry after discovering her creative potential at community college. After that, she studied for a Bachelor of Arts in Animation(Hons) at University of Edinburgh and became a recent fresh graduate. She was now looking for new opportunities in festivals and work to pursue her creative journey.
Cast : Casey Lieu
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer & Editor:Casey Lieu Sound and Music:Amadea Daley Voice Director:Amadea Daley、Emily Leung
Student02 Dandelion (アメリカ/Ringling College of Art & Design)
In a dystopian world, a coal-burning robot working on a mine one day finds something that he has never seen before – a dandelion.
Director : Ling Zhao, Zhengwu Gu
Ling and Gu are two recent graduates from Ringling College of Art and Design, majoring in Computer Animation.
They are passionate about making good stories, explore interesting concepts, and apply what they learned into the industry.
Staff : Director & Writer:Ling Zhao、Zhengwu Gu Composer & Sound Designer:Geng Li Sound Designer:Michael Chen Producer:Ringling College of Art and Design
Ling and Gu are two recent graduates from Ringling College of Art and Design, majoring in Computer Animation.
They are passionate about making good stories, explore interesting concepts, and apply what they learned into the industry.
Staff : Director & Writer:Ling Zhao、Zhengwu Gu Composer & Sound Designer:Geng Li Sound Designer:Michael Chen Producer:Ringling College of Art and Design
Student03 Trash (ベルギー/atelier Caméléon)
Out of laziness, a character does not sort his waste. His action will have serious consequences on the worlds that live in the trash.
Director : 9 young people aged 11 to 14
Staff : Director & Writer:9 young people aged 11 to 14 Producer:atelier Caméléon
Staff : Director & Writer:9 young people aged 11 to 14 Producer:atelier Caméléon
Student04 Garden (アメリカ/New York Film Academy)
Director : Ziyu Luo
Ziyu Luo (Zoë Luo) is a Chinese – born New York based Writer – Director – Producer. She currently resides in New York City. She is passionate about creating impactful films that inspire audiences, and strive to push the boundaries of visual storytelling. She believes in the transformative power of film to change lives, spark meaningful conversations, and foster empathy and understanding.
After graduating with BA in Language and Literature (Cultural Arts emphasis) in China in 2016, Ziyu decided to enroll in the BFA Filmmaking program at New York Film Academy in 2020, where she honed her craft and was able to focus on growing her knowledge of all aspects of film production.
She likes to explore the circumstances of marginalized people, listen to their story and empathize with their struggles and emotions, understanding the background of different individuals rather than dictating what characters should be or biases onto characters.
Ziyu Luo (Zoë Luo) is a Chinese – born New York based Writer – Director – Producer. She currently resides in New York City. She is passionate about creating impactful films that inspire audiences, and strive to push the boundaries of visual storytelling. She believes in the transformative power of film to change lives, spark meaningful conversations, and foster empathy and understanding.
After graduating with BA in Language and Literature (Cultural Arts emphasis) in China in 2016, Ziyu decided to enroll in the BFA Filmmaking program at New York Film Academy in 2020, where she honed her craft and was able to focus on growing her knowledge of all aspects of film production.
She likes to explore the circumstances of marginalized people, listen to their story and empathize with their struggles and emotions, understanding the background of different individuals rather than dictating what characters should be or biases onto characters.
Cast : Blair Ely
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:Ziyu Luo Producer:Robert Lak Singer/Composer:Mae Krell Cinematographer:David Rockoff
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:Ziyu Luo Producer:Robert Lak Singer/Composer:Mae Krell Cinematographer:David Rockoff
Student05 Godzilla (イラン/iranian Youth Cinema society)
Godzilla encounters his enemy in the Tokyo city and fights.
Director : majid farzolahi
Majid Farzolahi is the director of the short films the Morgue, parallel, the girl and the street, Army men, the Strange and ecstasy. His films have participated in several international festivals and won several awards and participated in the final stage of the festival.
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:majid farzolahi
Majid Farzolahi is the director of the short films the Morgue, parallel, the girl and the street, Army men, the Strange and ecstasy. His films have participated in several international festivals and won several awards and participated in the final stage of the festival.
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:majid farzolahi
Student06 Express Photo (中国/Ringling College of Art and Design)
A tourist girl has her camera snatched away by a monkey, can she get it back?
Director : Kiki Jiang, Dashun Zhou
Kiki Jiang was born in Chongqing, China in 1995. She is an animation artist from China. She graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2018 with a major in 2D animation, and then graduated from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2024 with a major in computer animation. While at Ringling she collaborated with her husband Dashun Zhou on a 3D animated short film “Express Photo” which was recognized by the Best of Ringling award
Dashun Zhou was born in Xiamen, China in 1995. He is an animation artist from China. He graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2018 with a major in 2D animation, and later graduated from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2024 with a major in computer animation. . While at Ringling he collaborated with his wife Kiki Jiang on a 3D animated short film “Express Photo” which was recognized by the Best of Ringling award.
Kiki Jiang was born in Chongqing, China in 1995. She is an animation artist from China. She graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2018 with a major in 2D animation, and then graduated from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2024 with a major in computer animation. While at Ringling she collaborated with her husband Dashun Zhou on a 3D animated short film “Express Photo” which was recognized by the Best of Ringling award
Dashun Zhou was born in Xiamen, China in 1995. He is an animation artist from China. He graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2018 with a major in 2D animation, and later graduated from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2024 with a major in computer animation. . While at Ringling he collaborated with his wife Kiki Jiang on a 3D animated short film “Express Photo” which was recognized by the Best of Ringling award.
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:Kiki Jiang、Dashun Zhou Music Producer:Shuhui Yao
Student07 Animated Film: Horizons (アメリカ/Greenwich Academy)
The film Horizons examines major climate issues in our world. The four elements of life – Water, Earth, Fire, and Air – teach us how we can take action in our own community to make an impact and prevent environmental degradation.
Director : Anna Elise Leventon
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:Anna Elise Leventon
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:Anna Elise Leventon
Student08 Ephemeral / 儚い (愛知/名古屋国際高等学校)
Director : 市川恵士
Cast : 山本萌奈 岡本健世
Staff : 脚本・監督・撮影・編集:市川恵士
Cast : 山本萌奈 岡本健世
Staff : 脚本・監督・撮影・編集:市川恵士
Student09 Concrete Sky (イギリス/National Film and Television School)
A man is shackled to his apartment, and he wishes to be free.
Director : Cameron Carr
Cameron Carr is an award winning animator who just finished his university animation degree. He is currently studying at NFTS for his Directing Animation MA.
Staff : Director & Animator:Cameron Carr Cinematographer:Hsien “Sunshine” Yu Niu Production Designer:Lola Fleming Assistants:Matthieu Levy、Owen Cant、Mansi Maheshwari Composer:Umberto Gaudino
Cameron Carr is an award winning animator who just finished his university animation degree. He is currently studying at NFTS for his Directing Animation MA.
Staff : Director & Animator:Cameron Carr Cinematographer:Hsien “Sunshine” Yu Niu Production Designer:Lola Fleming Assistants:Matthieu Levy、Owen Cant、Mansi Maheshwari Composer:Umberto Gaudino
Student10 The Rain Cloud (アメリカ/California Institute of the Arts)
A young boy’s dreary day is interrupted by a playful raincloud.
Director : Yunqing Pan
Yunqing (Sally) Pan, born Sep. 2004, is a student animation filmmaker originally from Guangzhou, China. She is currently studying Character Animation at the California Institute of the Arts, exploring storyboarding, 2D animation, 3D techniques, and the principles of design. Her passion lies in telling compelling stories through storyboarding and animation.
Staff : Director:Yunqing Pan Music Composer:Etia Farmiga Sound Designer:Margareth Gunawan Re-recording Mixer:Daniel Eaton
Yunqing (Sally) Pan, born Sep. 2004, is a student animation filmmaker originally from Guangzhou, China. She is currently studying Character Animation at the California Institute of the Arts, exploring storyboarding, 2D animation, 3D techniques, and the principles of design. Her passion lies in telling compelling stories through storyboarding and animation.
Staff : Director:Yunqing Pan Music Composer:Etia Farmiga Sound Designer:Margareth Gunawan Re-recording Mixer:Daniel Eaton
Student11 Swords and Stuff (カナダ/Vancouver Film School)
A young armorer begins her day managing her magical weapons store, getting every new adventurer that comes through her doors the ” perfect weapon” to go and seek adventure, but what happens when a particularly difficult client comes in? Will she be able to get him his perfect weapon?
Director : Silvia Carolina Luna Salinas
Silvia Luna is a Mexican animator and creator, with a passion for 2D visuals and storytelling, she currently resides in Vancouver, Canada.
Staff : Director:Silvia Carolina Luna Salinas
Silvia Luna is a Mexican animator and creator, with a passion for 2D visuals and storytelling, she currently resides in Vancouver, Canada.
Staff : Director:Silvia Carolina Luna Salinas
Student12 Ribbons (ポーランド/Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu)
A girl wakes up in a familiar, yet dull, environment having only the moon as her companion. Upon hearing a strange sound and finding a wall of ribbons she decides to explore the world beyond them.
Director : Julia Sieczkowska
Born in Warsaw, Poland in 1999, Julia Sieczkowska just graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. As a beginning filmmaker she wants to use the different methods of animating to explore themes close to her and her peers: self discovery, venturing into the unknown and mental health. Her interests include slavic mythology, fashion history and video games.
Staff : Director:Julia Sieczkowska Sound Design:Grzegorz Kaźmierski、Adrianna Czajczyńska Artistic supervision:Jakub Wawrzak
Born in Warsaw, Poland in 1999, Julia Sieczkowska just graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. As a beginning filmmaker she wants to use the different methods of animating to explore themes close to her and her peers: self discovery, venturing into the unknown and mental health. Her interests include slavic mythology, fashion history and video games.
Staff : Director:Julia Sieczkowska Sound Design:Grzegorz Kaźmierski、Adrianna Czajczyńska Artistic supervision:Jakub Wawrzak
Student13 An Inexact Science (ジョージア/Postred Academi)
Confidence and meticulous plans – a magic elixir for success – becomes a clever bird’s reason for downfall.
Director : Salome Turashvili
Salome Turashvili is a freelancer who graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Media Arts Faculty, specializing in Digital and Traditional Animation in 2023. She started working for “Animatory,” a 2D animation studio in Georgia, when she was in the second grade and has been with the studio ever since. Over the past few years, she has participated in numerous projects, including “Once Upon a Time” for the Tbilisi – World Book Capital 2021 event, an animated advertisement for Zoomer – Gen-Z Generation, an animated music video for the group Ara – “Tbilisi on the Map,” and the animated short “Captain Nutsa,” which aimed to raise cancer awareness and was supported by USAID. In addition to her work at Animatory, Salome is involved in several independent projects, including animated shorts and visual novels, and she participates in various contests such as the International Comic/Manga School Contest 2022 and the 29th International Illustration Contest, both organized by Clip Studio Paint. An artist from a very early age, Salome continually explores and improves her skills in various areas, striving to bring her unique vision to the industry.
Staff : Director & Writer:Salome Turashvili Producer:Irina Gelashvili Original Music:Nodo Shonia Sound&Mixing:Mari Narchemashvili
Salome Turashvili is a freelancer who graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Media Arts Faculty, specializing in Digital and Traditional Animation in 2023. She started working for “Animatory,” a 2D animation studio in Georgia, when she was in the second grade and has been with the studio ever since. Over the past few years, she has participated in numerous projects, including “Once Upon a Time” for the Tbilisi – World Book Capital 2021 event, an animated advertisement for Zoomer – Gen-Z Generation, an animated music video for the group Ara – “Tbilisi on the Map,” and the animated short “Captain Nutsa,” which aimed to raise cancer awareness and was supported by USAID. In addition to her work at Animatory, Salome is involved in several independent projects, including animated shorts and visual novels, and she participates in various contests such as the International Comic/Manga School Contest 2022 and the 29th International Illustration Contest, both organized by Clip Studio Paint. An artist from a very early age, Salome continually explores and improves her skills in various areas, striving to bring her unique vision to the industry.
Staff : Director & Writer:Salome Turashvili Producer:Irina Gelashvili Original Music:Nodo Shonia Sound&Mixing:Mari Narchemashvili
Student14 Reverie (東京/デジタルハリウッド大学)
Director : 羽生優
幼少期より物作りをし高校入学後、CGを独学で学ぶ。初作『東亰秘密防衛局』では、『DigeCon6』や『高校生eiga worldcup 2022』などで受賞。また、東京国際プロジ ェクションマッピングアワードVol.8では、最年少で最優秀賞を受賞するなど幅広く活動している。
Cast : 熊田滉平
Staff : 監督・脚本・制作・撮影・美術・編集・絵コンテ・アセットモデリング・バーチャルプロダクション・VFX/3Dスキャン:羽生優 アセットモデリング・バーチャルプロダクション:柴田流維 アセットモデリング・バーチャルプロダクション:鈴木康太 スペシャルサンクス(制作援助/翻訳監修):江幡真貴子
幼少期より物作りをし高校入学後、CGを独学で学ぶ。初作『東亰秘密防衛局』では、『DigeCon6』や『高校生eiga worldcup 2022』などで受賞。また、東京国際プロジ ェクションマッピングアワードVol.8では、最年少で最優秀賞を受賞するなど幅広く活動している。
Cast : 熊田滉平
Staff : 監督・脚本・制作・撮影・美術・編集・絵コンテ・アセットモデリング・バーチャルプロダクション・VFX/3Dスキャン:羽生優 アセットモデリング・バーチャルプロダクション:柴田流維 アセットモデリング・バーチャルプロダクション:鈴木康太 スペシャルサンクス(制作援助/翻訳監修):江幡真貴子
Student15 Nainai’s Recipe (アメリカ/Savannah College of Art and Design)
After a turbulent day at the restaurant leaves Nainai in tears, her grandson Sho decides to step up to save the dumpling shop.
Director :Daya Lee
Daya Lee is an animator from Indonesia and Hong Kong, pursuing her passion in sentimental storytelling and emotive character acting. She enjoys mixing modern styles and traditional, cultural elements in her work.
Staff : Director:Daya Lee Producer:Victoria Viola-Prioli、Juliette Bianchi、Kaylee Ruiz Art Lead:Myles Lane Animation Lead:Paul Goguen Compositing Lead:Angelo Vallana Visual Development:Mike Scandora Animators:Alex Brown、Trenton Stewart
Daya Lee is an animator from Indonesia and Hong Kong, pursuing her passion in sentimental storytelling and emotive character acting. She enjoys mixing modern styles and traditional, cultural elements in her work.
Staff : Director:Daya Lee Producer:Victoria Viola-Prioli、Juliette Bianchi、Kaylee Ruiz Art Lead:Myles Lane Animation Lead:Paul Goguen Compositing Lead:Angelo Vallana Visual Development:Mike Scandora Animators:Alex Brown、Trenton Stewart
Student16 Chasing Infinity (シンガポール/Singapore American School)
When a mad scientist makes a device that can travel between different universes, a CIA Agent is assigned to track him down and eliminate him. But when the CIA Agent breaks into the scientist’s lab, the device is activated and they chase between the infinite universes.
Director : Yul Baek
Cast : JJ Sharp Penn Roth
Staff : Director & Writer & Editor & Cinematography:Yul Baek
Cast : JJ Sharp Penn Roth
Staff : Director & Writer & Editor & Cinematography:Yul Baek
Student17 BLOOM (インド/UPES School of Design)
‘BLOOM’ captures the essence of time and its ever evolving nature. Sometimes, a touch is all it takes to kick things into motion.
Director : Yash Sanjay Patil、Spandan Roy、Rahul Dwivedi
Staff : Animation:Yash Sanjay Patil、Spandan Roy、Rahul Dwivedi
Staff : Animation:Yash Sanjay Patil、Spandan Roy、Rahul Dwivedi
Student18 Like Apples (ベルギー/erg – ecole de recherche graphique Brussles Belgium)
First there’s Kassler’s music, a distant song from the sea. Then come the images: chubby seagulls, a boat on two legs, apple-shaped fish and a paper singer. Behind the images are Némo Tescou and Joan Peralta, two technical and aesthetic approaches in dialogue.
Director : Némo Tescou, Joan Peralta
JOAN PERALTA:is a French artist born in 1998, who works and lives in Brussels. After two years studying sculpture and set design in Paris, he moved to Brussels – a room had been freed up. He continued his studies at erg for six years, during which time he participated in the creation and development of live broadcasts by the ergTV collective at the Project(ion) Room. He is involved in the creation of music videos, and directs and develops animated shorts (Our Idiot, Cold Room) in which he speaks in his own way of rurality, class relations, technology and work. He is now developing his work through writing, and is preparing a book.
NEMO TESCOU:Nemo, born in 1997 in France, is a an artist based in Brussels, Belgium. His work revolves mainly around practices of animation and drawing. He still studys at Erg in Brussels where he finds himself comfortable exploiting a rather naive form of expression and mistake making, progressively labandonning the will of mastering a technical expression. During the time of his studies, he mainly worked in collectives and with friends, writing, drawing and editing fanzines a.o. with Mardi Soir’s collective, at the same time learning processes of animation and participating in events like ErgTv or Trottoir. He was intern at ateliers Indigo and practiced as a 2D and 3D animator on several external projects, such as the music video “Trash club” directed by Simon Breeveld published on youtube or “The Pleasure Garden” installation by Gosie Vervloessem at the Middelheim Museum in Antwerp. Beside he occasionally works as an illustrator for posters and various events.
Staff : Director:Némo Tescou、Joan Peralta Producer:Alexander Schellow Music・Song:Jules Urban
Student19 エンド・ピース (東京/帝京平成大学)
Director : 須永彩乃
2021年 帝京平成大学現代ライフ学部(現:人文社会学部)人間文化学科メディア文化コース入学
2023年 所属コースのゼミにてストップモーション研究開始
2024年 『エンド・ピース』監督・制作
2021年 帝京平成大学現代ライフ学部(現:人文社会学部)人間文化学科メディア文化コース入学
2023年 所属コースのゼミにてストップモーション研究開始
2024年 『エンド・ピース』監督・制作
Staff : ナレーション:らっはーRAHHAR 監督・脚本:須永彩乃
Student20 Declive (チリ/Instituto Profesional Arcos)
Huesok, a young man who falls into a surreal world in which he begins to explore, but along his journey he faces a shape-shifting being, Nocttua, by whom he is harassed and persecuted.
Director : Hariols Joseph Guzmán, Evelyn Del Carmen Olguín
Animator and audiovisual creator, with studies in multimedia design at the University of Tarapacá and animation at the Arcos Professional Institute. He is focused on linking the dance with the creation of videos and animations. As an filmmaker he has participated in events such as Festigame, photography for chilean tv programs and cameraman of the documentary on Afro-descendant dance in Arica for the University of Campinas in Brazil. As a dancer, he was part of the group “Tobas, Guerreros del Sol Naciente” in the Arica and Parinacota region and he participated in different dance groups on television. In 2024 he premieres the music video “Declive” made together with Evelyn Olguín at Chilemonos International Animation Festival. Currently he is preparing a new project at “Niebla Producciones” and is dedicated to the production of video clips and animated content for social networks.
Animator and audiovisual creator, with studies in multimedia design at the University of Tarapacá and animation at the Arcos Professional Institute. He is focused on linking the dance with the creation of videos and animations. As an filmmaker he has participated in events such as Festigame, photography for chilean tv programs and cameraman of the documentary on Afro-descendant dance in Arica for the University of Campinas in Brazil. As a dancer, he was part of the group “Tobas, Guerreros del Sol Naciente” in the Arica and Parinacota region and he participated in different dance groups on television. In 2024 he premieres the music video “Declive” made together with Evelyn Olguín at Chilemonos International Animation Festival. Currently he is preparing a new project at “Niebla Producciones” and is dedicated to the production of video clips and animated content for social networks.
Cast : Jorge Brahiam Lazo
Staff : Director & Writer:Hariols Joseph Guzmán、Evelyn Del Carmen Olguín Producer:Hariols Joseph Guzmán
Student21 Anomaly (ラトビア/Middlesex University)
A news crew investigates a mysterious anomaly reported by residents of a small Latvian village, but the more questions are asked, the less clear it all gets…
Director : Arturs Voblikovs
Arturs Voblikovs is a London-based animation director from Latvia, specializing in Stop-Motion
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:Arturs Voblikovs
Arturs Voblikovs is a London-based animation director from Latvia, specializing in Stop-Motion
Staff : Director & Writer & Producer:Arturs Voblikovs
Student22 Dead Air (スペイン/BAU Barcelona)
‘Dead Air’ captures a fleeting moment of connection amidst a life of coexistence, revealing the beauty of the seemingly mundane.
A stop-motion short about existential absurdity, loneliness and the banal that plays with framing in an unexpected way.
A stop-motion short about existential absurdity, loneliness and the banal that plays with framing in an unexpected way.
Director : Ronja Ehlers, Inês Filipa Palma Martins, Melissa Fabienne Klein, Lucía Artiles De Urioste
4 young women from the Canary Islands, Germany and Portugal teamed up to write, direct and produce this Stop-Motion short during their Master Course in Barcelona.
Melissa Fabienne Klein – puppet design and making
Ronja Ehlers – animator, set construction
Inês Filipa Palma Martins – set and prop making
Lucía Artiles De Urioste – animator, prop and puppet making
4 young women from the Canary Islands, Germany and Portugal teamed up to write, direct and produce this Stop-Motion short during their Master Course in Barcelona.
Melissa Fabienne Klein – puppet design and making
Ronja Ehlers – animator, set construction
Inês Filipa Palma Martins – set and prop making
Lucía Artiles De Urioste – animator, prop and puppet making
Staff : Director:Ronja Ehlers、Inês Filipa Palma Martins、Melissa Fabienne Klein、Lucía Artiles De Urioste Sound Design:Felipe Garcia Music:Jose R. Alonso Mix:Josep M. Bossa
Student23 Persona (アメリカ/Savannah College of Art and Design)
A social media influencer struggles with her addiction which is eating away her personal life. She must fight with herself to get her life back on track.
Director : Mana Inoue
Mana Inoue is a graduate student attending Savannah College of Art and Design. She is a storyboard artist and an animator who has worked on multiple films that has been screened at various film festivals.
Staff : Director & Animator & Writer & Producer:Mana Inoue
Mana Inoue is a graduate student attending Savannah College of Art and Design. She is a storyboard artist and an animator who has worked on multiple films that has been screened at various film festivals.
Staff : Director & Animator & Writer & Producer:Mana Inoue